Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dear John!

Okay so yesterday I was talking about Dear John in my blog & later that night I was talking to my friend making plans for this weekend. So we decided that we wanted to go to the movies so I started looking up what movies were coming out & I realized that this friday is February 5th!!!!

I'm totally excited but, I'm going to see it Sunday becuase the movies are goning to be CRAZY packed on Friday!! Ahhh, I'm so excited!!!! But yeah, that's all I could really think about blogging today, I have a major headache and don't wanna think :/

I can't wait to see this hunk on the screen:

I have to say, this movie is going to beat Jacob Black & his werewolves.


Oh & by the way guess who beat Georgia last night?? ;)


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Starting Over

I have decided to start my blog over. Last semester I just got really caught up in school work and I would always forget to do my blog. But this time it is going to be my most important thing to do each day! Over my MAJOR hiatus from blogging I have discovered many things including:

  • My favorite book:
    Dear John! Is definately my favorite book! Once I started reading it I coudn't put it down! I fell in love with the characters and didn't want the book to end!

My review: 4 & 4/5 stars.

  • My favorite artist:

Corinne Bailey Rae! I just recently started listening to her music because I read This girl listens to the BEST music ever! Anyways, I read the blog and she was talking about how Corinne Bailey Rae's new album was coming out (The Sea - which is out now). Well, I started previewing her music on iTunes and her voice is amazing!! I like it so much!!

My review on The Sea - 5 stars.

  • & last but not least I've discovered that Devan Downey is a BEAST: